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  • Writer's pictureMauricio Ibañez


Updated: Sep 24, 2021

We called her Mauxi right from the beginning since her name was already too long even before she got married. I remember in the earlier years I used to get confused as her email address was m.herrera and I did not recall who she was.

Maria Auxiliadora Herrera Díaz started off her professional career at the Colombian American chamber of commerce in Barranquilla, having finished International Business at Universidad del Norte. After completing her tasks there, she applied for a job with us and willingly she transferred to Cartagena to work at our HQ office. That was already more than 11 years ago. She began as financial assistance reporting to Karen, and soon enough joined the FDA area where she finalized and settled accounts for all ships and projects of many tales. She earned a tough reputation on the phone within owners who took more than one extra time to honour the balances in our favour. There she remained until a couple of years ago when we offered her to take responsibility for our treasury functions.

Mauxi is from Galeras, Sucre, a small town about one hour due east from the province capital of Sincelejo, where her parents still live. She has a younger brother who lives in Bogotá. Mauxi is married to Walter Hernandez who works for the water company of Sincelejo via a French multinational company as planning management, and they see each other every weekend. Her son, Jerónimo is now 3 years old and soon to be the big brother of Helena who should be born within next couple of months.

She does not have much free time, but when she does she likes to watch movies, and otherwise just assumes her mom roll with dedication.

Mauxi visits the family house every so often with her husband and child. She claims that the people from her home town are excellent hosts and very friendly with each other. She proudly talks about the Live Art exposition in the streets of Galeras, which resemble customs, political and religious scenes of various times in the history of the country, including jokes.

For Mauxi, being in her new position is a reason to feel more responsible and identified with the the job of a ship agent in full, as she manages financial resources which belong generally to our customers, the ship owners, and planning every expense, budget and cashflow is not only a big responsibility but also a challenge.

WE are happy to have Mauxi in our team and we hope to have her for many more years to come, and wish her all the best with the addition of baby Helena to her family group.

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